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yankee doodle造句

"yankee doodle"是什么意思  
  • We sang these lines to the tune of yankee doodle .
  • We sang these lines to the tune of yankee doodle
  • It ' s up to you , yankee doodle . - i don ' t want to do that . .
    由你决定, yankee doodle -我不想做这个
  • Now listen here , yankee doodle dandy
  • Yankee doodles : andy phillips will undergo arthroscopic surgery in the coming weeks to repair some torn cartilage in his knee , though cashman didn ' t specify which knee it was . . .
  • It's difficult to see yankee doodle in a sentence. 用yankee doodle造句挺难的
如何用yankee doodle造句,用yankee doodle造句yankee doodle in a sentence, 用yankee doodle造句和yankee doodle的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。